EID Visions Celebrates Giving Tuesday 2019

by | December 2, 2019

This blog post will be a slight departure from previous ones in that as opposed to directly highlighting something related to marketing and business, we will be participating in a marketing effort of sorts for non profits for this year’s “Giving Tuesday!”

What is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is a “global generosity movement” that was started in 2012. The goal of Giving Tuesday was to inspire others to do good and it takes place the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and Black Friday. This year, Giving Tuesday will take place on December 3, 2019.

For this year’s Giving Tuesday, each member of the EID Visions team has selected a non profit whose work and mission is important to them to help kick off this season’s charitable giving. Each highlighted non profit will be receiving a gift of $50 from EID Visions. To encourage others to donate as well, we are matching up to $50 to each non profit for a total of $300!

University of Southern Maine (USM)

Picked by: CEO – Orlando J. Hernandez, Jr.

Not only does our Founder and CEO, Orlando, work full time for the University of Southern Maine, he has also chosen USM as his non profit to support this Giving Tuesday!

Q: Why did you choose the University of Southern Maine?

A: “While it’s no secret that I work full time for USM, one thing that I don’t necessarily get to talk about as frequently is how much I value higher education. As a student affairs professional and someone who has taught college courses, I’ve had the privilege of seeing pedagog from the perspective of the student and the educator. I see on a daily basis how intelligent and hard working our students are and it is an honor to work to support them in alignment with our service promise of being Student Focused Every Day is and will always be one of the highlights of my professional career. I am excited to choose USM as my highlighted non profit and hope that others are inspired to contribute to help further USM’s mission of being The University of Everyone.”

American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA)

Picked by: COO – Priscilla M. Acosta

AARDA’s mission statement is: “[We are] dedicated to the eradication of autoimmune diseases and the alleviation of suffering and the socioeconomic impact of autoimmunity through fostering and facilitating collaboration in the areas of education, public awareness, research, and patient services in an effective, ethical, and efficient manner.”

Q: Why did you choose AARDA?

A: “I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in 2015 after a routine blood test and I was put on a pill for a synthetic thyroid hormone and that was it. I was told that there would be more routine blood tests to determine if I needed to change my dosage but that there was not much else I could do. I was upset that I’d have to take a pill for the rest of my life but more upset for not being able to understand why I had suddenly developed this disease. I became even more frustrated when I moved to Maine and found a new doctor and they did not take my symptoms seriously, would not give me proper blood tests, nor was knowledgeable at all about Hypothyroidism. I had to fight to see a specialist and that’s when I found out that I also have Hashimoto’s disease, where antibodies attack my thyroid, and one day my thyroid will be completely non-functioning. This was just a few months ago in September. I joined forums like r/Hypothyroidism and r/Hashimotos and saw that other people were having similar issues and that these diseases are vastly under researched and any research there is are not distributed well to doctors other than endocrinologists. This is why I searched long and hard for a non profit that worked towards bettering the world for not just other folks with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s, but any and all other under researched autoimmune diseases.”

The Pixel Fund

Picked by CMO – Addie Grace Hernandez

The Pixel Fund is a non profit with a headquarters in Southern Maine and a satellite office in Georgia and Florida. They work with a network of fosters and rescue partners to take pets from high kill shelters, and get them healthy and ready for adoption. They also work to rescue pets who have been impacted by natural disasters.

Q: Why did you choose The Pixel Fund?

A: “Meow.”

Translation: As a former resident of a Pixel Fund Foster Home, I am ecstatic to choose The Pixel Fund as my highlighted non profit in an effort to repay the kindness and support I received there while I waited for Priscilla and Orlando to meet me and become my forever home! I’m truly thankful and wish that all animals would be able to benefit from the kindness bestowed upon me by the amazing and wonderful volunteers at The Pixel Fund!

Each non profit will have their own dedicated post tomorrow on all of our social media channels where you can donate directly to our fundraiser or on the non profit’s website.

‘Tis the season for giving!

Let us know what you and your business did for Giving Tuesday 2019!

What services are you interested in?

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